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Nutrition Through the Life Cycle

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Price: $91.76
(as of Jan 22,2025 22:27:51 UTC – Details)

Packed with insight from leading experts, Brown’s Nutrition Through the Life Cycle, Seventh Edition, shows how nutrition impacts healthy people as they grow, develop and function through life stages. Extremely reader friendly, the text features a vibrant full-color design and is packed with illustrations that make abstract ideas easy to visualize. Using a unique “layered approach,” it progresses from preconception to the end stages of the life cycle, alternating chapters between normal and clinical nutrition to give you the complete picture. It reflects the latest research and dietary guidelines in its comprehensive coverage of nutritional needs, nutrition and health disease outcomes, model programs, healthful diets, nutrients, gene variants, nutrient-gene interactions and more. Case studies give you further insight into clinical applications and care standards in real-world practice.

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Publisher‏:‎Cengage Learning; 7th edition (January 4, 2019)
Paperback‏:‎608 pages
Item Weight‏:‎2.5 pounds
Dimensions‏:‎8.5 x 1 x 11 inches

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Nutrition Through the Life Cycle


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